HA-Proxy setup for Openstack Services
HA-PROXY SETUP FOR OPENSTACK SERVICES INTRODUCTION: To obtain maximum uptime in openstack services we are in need of high availability (aka HA ) in this document we are using ha-proxy for openstack HA and keepalived for H a-proxy HA. Software topology As mentioned, we’ll use the following set of software: the services themselves; HAProxy for making the services HA; and Keepalived for making HAProxy HA. Getting hands-on Suppose we have two machines, from which we want to make an HA OpenStack controller pair, installing both the API services and Keepalived + HAProxy. Suppose machine 1 has address, machine 2 has address, and we want the services to be accessible through virtual IP And suppose all these IPs are on eth1. Installing necessary packages $ sudo apt-get install haproxy keepalived Configuration of haproxy This configuration is identical on both nodes and resides in /et...