
Showing posts from March, 2015

HA-Proxy setup for Openstack Services

HA-PROXY SETUP FOR OPENSTACK SERVICES INTRODUCTION: To obtain maximum uptime in openstack services we are in need of high availability (aka HA ) in this document we are using ha-proxy for openstack HA and keepalived for H a-proxy HA. Software topology As mentioned, we’ll use the following set of software: the services themselves; HAProxy for making the services HA; and Keepalived for making HAProxy HA. Getting hands-on Suppose we have two machines, from which we want to make an HA OpenStack controller pair, installing both the API services and Keepalived + HAProxy. Suppose machine 1 has address, machine 2 has address, and we want the services to be accessible through virtual IP And suppose all these IPs are on eth1. Installing necessary packages $ sudo apt-get install haproxy keepalived Configuration of haproxy This configuration is identical on both nodes and resides in /et...

Openstack Swift HA with HAproxy

Introduction We used five machines for swift setup . In that, 3 machines will act as swift-proxy servers and all 5 machines will act as swift-storage nodes. Swift with HA proxy setup We have installed HA proxy service in all three proxy servers. The KeepAlived service will monitor the HA proxy health and assign the floating virtual IP address( to the high priority HA proxy server. (102 is master, 101 is slave1, 100 is slave2) The HA Proxy will check all three proxy servers and send the request in round robin method. If one proxy server fails, it will automatically sends the request to the other two proxy servers only, until the failed proxy server is back online. Swift Proxy Node setup We have configured three swift proxy nodes in the public network( and it is connected to all the storage nodes through a private network( Rings The ring builder has created an account ring, container ring and ob...